Well firstly, I will be the first to admit that I am a little on the FEMINIST side. I believe that woman are very well capable of doing the same things that men can!!! But sometimes there are reasons we have men around
For instance, tonight... I had a lovely girls night in the wilderness... So there we (7 girls) are for over an hour trying to set up a tent... with not stakes to anchor it (so we substituted large rocks that wouldn't stay on the tent to anchor it), and absolutely no idea as to where the poles go (red dotted ones, whited dotted ones, and yellow dotted ones), and how it's meant to hold up the tent!
So i have provided a picture for you so you may actually see, how the tent looked in the end... but let me give you description because the picture makes it look fine!! Firstly it's placed on the rockiest place. Secondly the first bar that you see, is leaning ever so nicely on the middle bar, not anchored or anything, and there is one in the back of the tent just leaning as nicely as ever also... and the the tent isn't even center on the middle bar... it's a good 5 inches to far to the right and completely bent down the side!!!
so that is why we have men... to Put up our tents... because heaven knows that girls were not meant to do it!!! but We did have any awesome fire thanks to yours truly!!!